Tax strategy, planning and delivery.

We deliver clear and actionable advice, emphasising visual reporting and calculation tools as much as we can, through MS Excel modelling and dashboards. Our goal is to give you the strongest tools, to assist you with internal evaluation of tax options, and drive presentations to key stakeholders.

Whether you need a review of existing financial models or the creation of tax calculations from scratch, our expertise covers various transaction types and asset classes.

Clear Advice & Visual Reporting

We're hands-on when it comes to operational aspects of your tax strategy. We can support with tax project implementation, tax registration, and applications for reliefs, exemptions, or technical clarifications to the tax authority.

We help you establish effective tax governance, policies, and processes, ensuring your planned tax position is achieved, and managing any related tax risk exposure or ‘care and maintenance’ matters. This can include stress testing of structures, testing compliance through 'mock tax audits', and testing business behaviours and available tax audit evidence.

Operational Tax Strategy Support

We can work remotely or on-site, seamlessly integrating with your tax or finance teams. We can collaborate with your existing tax, accounting or legal advisors.

Our extended tax skill set allows us to translate tax advice and planning directly into your tax reporting and overall financial statements position.

We work closely with many local and international law firms, and can provide introductions, to bring in legal support when needed.

We can support to law firms seeking to provide integrated legal and tax services, ensuring a cohesive offering for your clients.

We can involve additional tax specialists in any particular project country, to provide local inputs on tax structuring matters.

Collaborative Approach & Legal Support